Bend-Tech Group Australia

WA1200 Artic Access


A valued client from the Pilbara consulted the team at Bend-tech regarding an MEM access issue they were having. The client noticed on our website that we had a similar access solution already designed but it would require some adjustments.

This is a common enquiry we receive at Bend-tech and our design and engineering team are always happy to help.

In this case, the client required a purpose built mobile work platform that is designed to access the Komatsu WA1200 Loader artic hitch bores when the machine is split in two.

old photo

Photo provided by client indicating where access is required


production snap1

Production drawing snapshot

Our design and engineering team put forward the solution pictured to the left.

The two WA1200 artic access platforms are wheeled in at either side of the artic area and connect at the ends. The working area is built to provide safe and close access to the artic hitch bores as well as other areas that require maintenance.

The platforms are constructed in heavy-duty but lightweight aluminium with high quality German made castor wheels to make it easy for anyone to move around. They are also built with jacking stands, a self-closing gate, removable handrails and non-slip stairs and work area.


Our designed, engineered and fabricated access platform was delivered to site on-time and on budget where it has been in use for some time as you can see in
the pictures below. Our client was happy with their service and product and has since partnered with Bend-tech in other projects.

If you would like to learn more about our on-site consultation or our MEM access solutions get in contact today!