Mining and construction sites can be extremely dangerous, the danger is increased when there is a lack of communication and uncertified and non-compliant equipment is in use. Unfortunately, the consequences can be fatal, mining equipment and the associated procedures are extremely hazardous when uncertified or not conducted safely.

Scaffold incidents

Scaffold, although certified present a range of hazards and problems for workers and operators. Being temporary, scaffold lacks structural integrity and can become warn and damaged in its constant building and breakdown and not to mention extremely costly. Failing to monitor its condition and ensure its continued compliance can become dangerous. In November of 2015, a man working at an aluminium refinery in Western Australia died after falling from scaffold. There have also been several incidents where stair modules have failed. One incident involved several welds at the end of a module giving way when a worker stepped onto the landing, the worker’s hand was caught, resulting in the loss of a finger. Faulty welds, inadequate support and damaged stair modules have all been contributing factors to scaffold incidents and fatalities. Ensuring all equipment is safe, certified and compliant with the relevant standard will reduce the risks and create a safer workplace

Conveyor incidents

Between 2011 and 2016 there has been 107 reported injuries associated with conveyors on mine-sites. A worker was seriously injured in 2016 when he was caught in a moving conveyor, his injuries included a de-gloved finger, friction burns, and multiple fractures to his hands, arms and back. Preventing such serious incidents should be front of mind, conducting regular audits of all equipment and prevention measures creates a standard which can be followed to create a safer working environment.


Proactive Safety

Safety should be proactive, and it starts when you first purchase equipment. Making sure this equipment is certified and compliant with the relevant standard creates a high level of acceptability amongst leaders and subordinates within the organisation. If the equipment being used is certified, everyone knows it has been tested and built for high performance use. Conducting regular audits of the site its processes and equipment is proactive, which makes safety a priority. If you would like to learn more about the importance of certification and compliance download our free whitepaper, 10 valuable benefits certification and compliance can add to you site.